The standard for BAS trend data compilation
Trend Importer
Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Win2000 / Win7 x32 / Win7 x64 / WinServer / WinVista / WinVista x64 / WinXP Price: $195.00
The trending data saved in building automation system (BAS) trend logs are used to determine whether HVAC equipment is functioning as intended, and to evaluate opportunities for energy conservation and cost savings. Trend logs are often the basis upon which new equipment installations are certified. Unfortunately, neither the data format nor the file architecture of trend logs are yet standardized across control vendors.
Before trend data becomes useful for operational evaluation and control as well as fault detection and diagnostics (FDD), the trend date, time and point value must be extracted from each trend recording, regardless of data format or file architecture, and normalized in a spreadsheet to a date and time scale. The normalization process may require correction of data anomalies as well as the application of various smoothing and change of value techniques.
The lack of standardization in recording trend logs makes the collection and compilation of accurate trending data spreadsheets a time consuming, yet necessary challenge requiring costly engineering skills. Therein lies 'the gap' ... the manual extraction, normalization, correction and compilation of BAS trending data. This manual gap in otherwise computerized and intelligent trending processes is exceptionally slow, labor intensive, a drain on expensive engineering talent, and is guaranteed to introduce errors into the trending data.
Trend Importer bridges this technology gap in the processing of trending data by offering a quick, cost effective, accurate and easy to use application that replaces and standardizes manual collection and compilation methods. Collect trending data from any source. Build custom matrices from any collected trending data regardless of source. Export custom matrices to one, two or all available analysis tools (i.e. Excel, PACRAT, Universal Translator).
Free Trend Importer download - 4.2 Mbti_install.zip
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