Perform OCR in batch mode on document images.
JScan 2.0
Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Windows2000 / WinXP / Windows2003 / Windows Vista Home Premium / Windows Vista Business Price: Free |
JScan is tool for converting and viewing images; specifically, document images. A document image is an image (or picture) of a paper document such as that produced from a scanner or a fax machine. The difference between a document image and a regular image is that with the help of Optical Character Recognition (OCR), the text, as well as the document's formatting, can be read and stored within the image file. Those image files supported by JScan include the well-established TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) with the file extension *.tif; and the Microsoft Document Image Format, also known as a Microsoft Office Document Image (MODI), with the file extension *.mdi, introduced with Office 2003. JScan was designed primarily for using the MODI format and working in conjunction with the Microsoft Office tools.
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