Article Rewriter & Article Spinner
Quick Article Spinner 3.0
Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Windows2000 / WinXP / Windows 7 / Windows Vista Price: $49.99
Quick Article Spinner unravels the treasure of creating several unique articles out of a single article. It involves a simple and quick process that rewrites inimitable articles and helps to escape the duplicate content penalties. Quick Article Spinner Features: * A vast library of synonyms to generate contemporary and unique content. * Flexibility to add your own options in synonym database to be spun. * Easy replacement of multiple occurrences of a particular word in the article. * Replacement of phrase or sentence in the article. * Easy editing in various text editors like Word. * Easy control for the number of articles and their quality. *Instantly preview all your articles before finally generating them as a final output. * Increase your site growth & popularity by keeping it supplied with fresh content. * FREE customer support & software updates are also available. * Quick Article Spinner is inexpensive Content Recreation software. Quick Article Spinner Software takes special care to ensure that your credit card & billing information is not compromised and is 100% secure. Our servers are certified for use with secured access for data transferred involving payment methods and sensitive information. The privacy policy also ensures that any personal detail as provided by you is kept secure and is not used in any way other than as laid down in the policy. Quick Article Spinner offers US daytime telephone support and 24 hour email support.
Free Quick Article Spinner download - 23.96 MbQuickArticleSpinner_dldportals.exe
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