
The options income generator 1:2 risk

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The options income generator 2.0 2.0


The options income generator

Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Win95 / Win98 / Windows2000 / WinXP
Price: Free
The options income generator
Features of The Options Income Generator...

Positions are never held more than 20 days, and you DON'T need to be in front of the computer all day long!
Trades are limited risk / limited profit! You'll know EXCATLY how much you can make!
The nature of the strategy allows for a wide profit zone!
Trades will have approximately a 1:1 - 1:2 risk to reward ratio or better!
You'll learn how to effectively read the indicators that are the foundation of the strategy!
Forget STOCKS! Reasons WHY you should be trading options...

The Leverage!

One of the main attractions of options trading is the leverage involved. For a small amount of capital compared to the average stock trader, an options trader can control a sizable amount of stock. Leverage also allows traders to make a significant amount of money from a relatively minor movement in price. More than any other factor, leverage is the reason why traders and investors alike include options in their portfolios. What the trader likes in the power to make bigger bets with less money, the investor enjoys in the ability to completely hedge long-term stock positions at a low cost!

Hedge Your Portfolio!

The leverage of options makes them ideal tools for protecting or hedging a stock/fund portfolio. For a relatively little amount of money, a trader can buy options against a longer-term long trade or investment and fully protect that long trade or investment from market risk. It is possible to fully hedge a long-only stock portfolio with only minimal reductions in overall returns compared to the unhedged, long-only portfolio. You can trade the Options Income Generator Strategy as a hedging strategy as well!

Commissions Have Crashed!

Commissions for options traders are not as low as they are for stock traders. But if the decline in commissions for stock traders has declined in recent years, commissions for options have plummeted.
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Keywords: The options income generator, option trading strategies, stock option trading, best options trading software, option trading tips, option trading service
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