Improve access to documents. Easy to use.
Curator 1.2.1
Supported languages: English
Supported OS: WinXP / WinVista / Win7 x32 / Win7 x64 Price: $29.00
Curator is a low cost, low overhead program designed to improve access to documents. It uses folder structures to promote document organization and does not require files to be moved from their existing locations.
Is Curator right for you... *Does your business rely on documents created and organized by different departments? *Do you rely on documents stored in more than one folder location? *Was each folder location created using a common pattern? *Are plans missing to modernize the access to these documents currently located in folders?
No change of business rules is required. Unlike other document management systems, Curator does not require you to change the way you do business or change the location of stored documents.
Easy to use. Curator runs on your local computer and does not require special servers or rely on services running remotely. Users will appreciate the minimalist approach to the user interface.
User Management is built into the existing IT setup. Curator makes use of users profile established by existing IT rules. If you have access to the document today, Curator will get you there quicker.
Free Curator download - 773 KbCurator_Setup.exe
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