Read more about Gym Equipment Review: The Star Trac 5130 Pro Stepper. Free downloadable ebook. Read honest reviews regardingGym Equipment. Here??™s some information on the Star Trac 5130 Pro Stepper. When you have just begun your exercise programme, you must take a lot of things into consideration. First, do you want to work out at a gym or health club, or would you prefer exercising at home? There are those who favour working out in their residences, whenever they feel like it. But how about the outlay for gym equipment to incorporate at home, you would probably ask? Well, these days, there are plenty of bargains to be had, especially regarding popular machines like steppers. To get a productive total body workout in only thirty minutes, three times each week, steppers are the best. These are a few facts regarding the Star Trac 5130 Pro model stepper.