Generate Fibonacci and Tribonacci Sequences.
Fibonacci Phi Generator 1.0
Supported languages: English
Supported OS: WinXP / WinVista / WinVista x64 / Win7 x32 / Win7 x64 / Win2000 / Windows2000 / Windows2003 / Windows Vista Ultimate Price: Free |
Generate custom Fibonnaci and Tribonacci sequences with this small mathematics tool.
Select your own custom starting numbers. These numbers will be used to generate these special mathematics sequences.
Fibonacci and golden Phi numbers often appear in mathematics in places you wouldn't expect. This free and simple software will make it easy to study and process numbers relating to the Fibonacci and Tribonacci sequences.
Data for the Golden Ratio sequences of Fibonacci and Tribonnaci are easy to generate with this software.
The output values are easy to export so they can be used in your own applications.
Free Fibonacci Phi Generator download - 599 Kbfibonacciphi_t.exe
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