Master Your Mind, Design Your Destiny
Master your mind design your destiny 2.0 2.0
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Supported OS: Win95 / Win98 / Windows2000 / WinXP Price: Free |
Master Your Mind, Design Your Destiny is the complete 12 Step System you need right now to empower yourself on the road to personal and breakthrough success right now! It is everything that I have learnt in the last 15 years as I made my way from a being a wash-out failure to becoming a millionaire at 26.
All of this knowledge, skills and strategies have been distilled for you and put down in a EXACT, step-by-step system for you to follow and create the results you deserve and want in life. I know this stuff works because I used it myself myself FIRST before I put it down in this book!
This complete personal success program has over 347+ pages of honest, straightforward, true-life personal success advice that you cannot find anywhere else! This is a MASSIVE amount of information you can use right now to bring you to a whole new level of success.
I designed Master Your Mind in such a way that it is the easiest way for any beginner to start off on the right foot towards personal development and success . The book is written with you in mind. It is an instruction book, workbook, custom-made blueprint designed for you to attain the success you deserve in life!
It's like a lifetime coach ready and available for you to seek advice from. This is one book that has no expiry date. Like all best classics, the principles and strategies that you will learn in this book are timeless.
How To Achieve Anything You Want
Learn why you will always find excuses to stay within your comfort zone and put things off and what you have to do break this limiting pattern.
The reason why many people desire to be successful but so few ever become successful.
When you give yourself no to succeed, you will always find a way to achieve your goal. Guaranteed.
How to raise your level of acceptance to inspire yourself so that you will never accept less than being a runaway success in life.
How being dissatisfied and unhappy with yourself can help reach new standards of performance.
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