Incredimail to Outlook Converter tool simple helps you to Export from IncrediMail to Outlook. With Export from IncrediMail to Outlook tool use would be able to export Incredimail IMM emails into Microsoft Outlook format. With Export from IncrediMail to Outlook tool you can export entire attributes from IncrediMail to Outlook after export from IncrediMail to Outlook - to, from, sent received date & time, bcc, cc. this IncrediMail to Outlook exporting tool is very easy task to export from IncrediMail to Outlook at once with batch processing. The software is very ease GUI to export from IncrediMail to Outlook. Users can export IncrediMail into all Outlook versions: 2000, 2003, 2007 and 2010. The Export from IncrediMail to Outlook tool offers you demo version that enables users to export 10 Incredimail emails to MS Outlook format and you can purchase full version of Export from IncrediMail to Outlook tool to export whole emails from Incredimail to Outlook at 69$.