Free ManageEngine HyperV Performance Monitor

ManageEngine HyperV Performance Monitor 1.0

Free ManageEngine HyperV Performance Monitor tool monitors VM's enabled by HyperV in Windows 2008 R2. It shows the actual resource utilization of the virtual servers alongwith CPU and memory utilization for each guest OS on the HyperV environment.

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eaZySMSTM the new generation Business Messaging System, is the ultimate in SMS revolution that sends out individualized, Bulk text/Flash messages directly from your PC to the recipient without internet.

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Search engine toolbar designed to search files on file hostings. Finds files matching your search criteria among the files that has been seen recently in uploading sites.

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Cell Phone Number Reverse Discover who's calling! Whether you're researching a phone bill, tracing an unwanted caller, or verifying an address, Reverse Phone Detective makes it fast and easy to conduct a phone search.

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This Free tiny application allows you to auto

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This Free tiny application allows you to automate tasks at specific time increments after VPS or computer reboots as well as schedule VPS or computer reboots and your assured that all your programs will come alive without overloading server when syst

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IP Cat - The best way to determine your IP.

IP Cat 1.4.0

IP Cat - The best way to determine your IP address. Find your IP address along with other information about your browser, country, etc...

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Records both audio and video from Skype

SuperTintin Skype Video Call Recorder

SuperTintin records both audio and video in all kinds of skype calls and voice mails. It is very easy to record and playback all skype chats. Not like the screen recorders, supertintin records original video stream directly without any data loss.

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A multi-threaded tftp server and telnet server for Windows designed to allow users to save and write files from various network equipment, and allow users to login to the server to execute commands, It also supports communication between the users .

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IVisit Desktop 4.0

Video chat with your friends, family, and colleagues from your PC for free. Connect with any iVisit user on their desktop, laptop, or mobile phone with ease.

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