Convert personal computer into CNC
Intuwiz CNC 1.04
Supported languages: English
Supported OS: WinXP / WinVista / Win2000 / Windows Vista Ultimate / Win98 / WinME / WinNT 3.x / WinNT 4.x / Win95 / Windows Vista St Price: $99.95
Intuwiz CNC can convert any personal computer with LPT (parallel) port into computer numerical control (CNC) system.Program can generate step/direction or direct phase outputs using RS-274D G-code (Gcode).Application allows to use E-Stop, limit switches and backlash compensation.Intuwiz CNC has been used to control routers, lathes, mills, plasma cutters and other machines.
Free Intuwiz CNC download - 744 KbIntuCNC.zip
CNC, G - code tool path, G - code, tool path, G-code program, computer numerical control interpreter, stepdirection outputs, direct phase outputs, RS-274, E-Stop, limit switches, jog control, backlash compensation, mill, lathe, programs, coordinate X |