Docx Repair Tool to Fix Corrupt Docx Files
Docx Repair 3.5.2
Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Win2000 / Win 8 / Win7 x32 / Win7 x64 / WinVista x64 / WinXP Price: $45.00
Docx Repair Software is the high recommended tool for users can recover corrupt Word Docx which is one of the best solutions to repair damage Docx files. Any error messages appeared while you are opening the Docx file; it means that your Docx file got corrupted. Docx Repair tool can recover you Docx file showing error messages such as. ??? Word file is not in the recognizable format ??? MS Word 2007/2010 unable to read files Doc ??? MS Word cannot access read-only document ??? The document name or path is not valid etc There is no need to panic! Use Docx Repair tool & repair corrupt Docx files or fix Docx files. Docx file recovery software scans damaged Docx files and recovers corrupt Docx file meta data intact (texts, pictures, charts, clip arts, headers & footers, images, hyperlinks, text formatting, tables, bulleted lists, embedded images, drawings etc) & save it into new .Docx files or .RTF files. Docx Repairer has fully featured Docx file repair software & consists following advance features: * Restore original formatting with all items like texts, images, tables, bulleted lists & soon * Displays recovered content of files before saving the files, so as to ensure integrity of files * Docx repairer software allows saving of recovered content into .Docx & .RTF file format * Docx file repair software can repair only MS Office Word 2007/2010 (.docx) files. Demo version will show the preview of the repair Docx file, but does not allow you to save it. For saving the file, you can purchase Docx Repair software at a reasonable price at $45.
Free Docx Repair download - 1.7 Mbsetup-docx-repair.exe
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