Blu-Ray Demuxer Pro is a tool for BD demuxing
Blu-Ray Demuxer Professional 2.0
Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Windows2000 / WinXP / Windows2003 Price: $640.00
Blu-Ray Demuxer Pro is a powerful tool for Blu-Ray demuxing. The main function of Blu-Ray Demuxer Pro is decompilation of Blu-Ray disk into video, audio and other files. All output data are ready for editing in any authoring software. It saves your time and allows to use only one tool for the reauthoring.
Blu-Ray Demuxer Pro contains extended user interface. Extended user interface allows to view all internal structure of Blu-Ray disc, including all logic fields created by authoring software.
Blu-Ray Demuxer Pro is intended for the remaking of old BD projects if you did not save the previous project file or data, for example, for the new BD version.
Blu-Ray Demuxer Pro does not make any unauthorized operations with Blu-Ray disc, it is not intended to break cryptoprotection or any other protection of disk. Blu-Ray Demuxer Pro is intended to help BD author in the remaking of old Blu-Ray projects in new using the method of back conversion into primary data assets. Blu-Ray Demuxer Pro does not violate any intellectual property rights too as it works only with not protected Blu-Ray discs.
There are some important features that make Blu-Ray Demuxer a really unique BD Tool:
?· Automatic processing of the whole BD
?· Posibility to process any single file selected by the user
?· Video, Audio, Subpicture, Menu data stream extraction
?· Chapter points extraction
?· Times for subpictures extraction
?· Positions for Menu pictures extration
?· Creation of logic structure of interconnections for Menu pages
?· Creation of well structured list of files
?· Reflection of all logic fields, including Clips, PlayLists, MovieObjects ...
?· Creation of Subpictures and Chapters scripts for Sonic Blu-Ray Scenarist - world wide leader of Authoring Software ?· Decompilation time of any Blu-Ray is about 1 hour depending of PC power ?· Output formats for extracted data are well known and used in several authoring programs: SST, BDN, XML, PNG, TXT, CSV
Free Blu-Ray Demuxer Professional download - 1.29 Mbbddemuxerpro_demo.zip
Blu-Ray, Demuxer, HD, BD-ROM, BD, Sonic, Scenarist, DVD, DVDLogic, Reauthor |