There is no easy way to Convert EMLX to MBOX format, is that what you think? Well you are wrong, because EMLX to MBOX Converter can very easily convert emails from Mac Mail as well as Mac OS X Mail into MBOX format & that along with attachments, metadata properties & formatting both RTF & HTML. With EMLX to MBOX Converter software you will be getting to file selection mode, first for Selective mails conversion & seconds for converting entire folder of emails at once. Once the files are converted then you can import them into Mozilla Thunderbird, Mulberry, eM Client, Evolution, Turnpike, Entourage, Eudora, etc. For better understanding of this software download its DEMO edition, which allows you to convert 10 EMLX files only, purchase License Edition of EMLX to MBOX Converter for complete migration of EMLX files.