Convert Lotus Notes to Outlook PST free only by expert suggested Lotus Notes to Outlook converter. Its advanced features exchange Lotus Notes data to Outlook along with clients mails, contacts, calendars etc. Password protective NSF files are easily convertible to Outlook of PST files. New version 9.3 is offer you many new feature which make your conversion task trouble-free. Lotus Notes Database Transfer to Outlook conversion process is easily to use and with this tool, you can save the converts emails, attachments, images, address book, journals, appointments, tasks, notes, appointments, and folders, subfolders which exist in .NSF file and creates a new .PST file. Exchange Lotus Notes Data to Outlook support all versions of Lotus Notes: 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 8.0 and 8.5 and MS Outlook: MS Outlook 97 and above and Lotus Notes Domino Server: 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 8.0, and 8.5. Convert Lotus Notes to Outlook free demonstration run is available to test the caliber of the utility program. The Convert Lotus Notes to Outlook free edition will help you to execute the process in full swing with confidence. Download the free mode of Export Notes software which converts first 16 mails from NSF to PST or 500 MB data. For complete conversion from Lotus Notes to Outlook purchase the complete process at suitable price of 250 USD only.