Want to buy an intelligent tool to export MSG to MBOX with easy few steps? MSG to MBOX Converter is best conversion tool that easily export messages to MBOX format with ease manner. MSG to MBOX Converter is first class tool that easily exportl MSG to MBOX files in bulk manner and without any loss in data. Software preserve Meta data (to, bcc, cc etc.) and also support on all Windows OS version such as Windows 2003/2007/2009/XP/Vista etc. MSG to MBOX Conversion tool helps user by providing such an easy tool and software also coordinate with different email client like Thunderbird, Windows Mail, and Mac Mail etc. MSG to MBOX Conversion is now available at low price that is $49 only and also available in demo version that is totally free and use can check its features and its availability if user is satisfy than he can go ahead with the software can do unlimited export MSG to MBOX form.