DimFil FileUtil dos 1.0
Columns on panel - 2+2, 1+1, 2+1, 1+2 [!!!];
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Lists for folders [!!!];
Two streams of copying and moving [!!!];
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Advanced Uninstaller FREE 10.1
Advanced Uninstaller FREE is the first free tool for both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows. You can uninstall programs completely and quickly using its simple and easy interface. You can also remove items that other uninstallers can't even touch.
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Easy File Catalog
The file organizer software. It helps to organize collection from disks, CDs, DVDs, Memory Stick cards etc. It will give ability to find at any time all files and folders that you need. It will find without the need to insert disks into the drive.
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FileSearchEX 1.0.1
FileSearchEX is the no nonsense file search utility for Windows 7 (and others). It offers the simplified search interface like Windows XP yet in an updated and modern fashion. Unlike other search tools, FileSearchEX works very fast.
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Quick Search and Replace 1.0.03010
Quick Search and Replace to automate search and replace text on multiple files. Just search the documents, type the replacing text, click replace and done. Quick Search and Replace fully supports any ASCII text based documents.
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Duplicate File Sweeper 1.0.010
Use Duplicate File Sweeper and get up to 50% extra hard drive space. Duplicate File Sweeper will scan and analyze your entire hard drive or selected folder, and display its result within seconds.
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PowerPoint Slides Recovery Tool 5.0.1
MS PowerPoint File Repair Software repairs corrupted *.ppt files of MS PowerPoint 2000, MS PowerPoint 98, MS PowerPoint 97, MS PowerPoint 2003, PowerPoint XP. Microsoft PowerPoint presentation repair tool saves the repaired content in new .ppt file.
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ApinSoft PDF Properties Extractor is an application that will help you to view PDF document properties and export all the PDF files properties to a CSV format file.
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GetFoldersize 2.3.2
GetFoldersize is the tool that helps you analyze the disk space in your PC hard drive. Its efficient disk space reporting shows the largest files and folders in their correct directory paths and the file size to assist in reducing hard drive space.
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GetFolder 2.2
getFolder is a freeware application that allows you to get list of file in a folder and export to XML,HTML,CSV,TXT is very simple to use.
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