Limit kids computer usage time
NightimeR 1.0.3
Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Win7 x32 / Win7 x64 / Windows 8 / WinVista / WinVista x64 Price: $9.80
Nightime-R is a program to allow parents to set daily computer usage time limits. Each day has a separate 'Allowed Time', 'Sleep Time' and a 'Daily Limit'. Different times/limits can be set for each log-on user. When time limits have been reached the computer is put into sleep mode.
A computer voice and visual warning gives a count-down at 15, 10, 5, 2 and 1 minute points.
A large count-down time is shown on the screen backdrop this shows the time left before sleep time.
Separate times can be defined for 'holiday' periods as well as normal periods. Simply clicking a button switches between the two times.
Pass-code protected to permit only the parent/guardian to change settings.
Option to prevent program closure via the Windows Task Manager.
Nightime-R gives parents/guardians peace of mind that limits will be adhered to, without constant monitoring or nagging to switch off!
Free NightimeR download - 3.43 Mbsetup.exe
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