This is a collection of 12 very cool text effects. The text used is dynamic, loaded from a XML file. It supports multlines and detects automatically when a word is finished. In the XML file there can be customized different parameters like the text e
XML driven news reader with beautiful pixel perfect design. Only basic XML knowledge needed to edit file contents! Fully resizable through XML; Image can be resized to fit; Image can retain its aspect ratio; Navigation dots can be hidden; Navigation
Why you want a download speed checker: to test your server speed; to have visitors test their download speed; to make visitors think about internet in general and connections in particular; to show visitors you know what you are doing as a developer;
QuSmart webshop builder is easy to use software program which provides you possibility to build a webshop by yourself. QuSmart offers advanced e-commerce software solution to build online store and sell products from your online store.
Get Unlimited Supply Of High PR Backlinks And Laser Targeted Traffic From Major Bookmarking Sites... All Done In Minutes On Autopilot! Bookmarking Demon is new social bookmarking tool that aims to provide targeted traffic and backlinks automatically.
This is a Banner Rotator configurable with an XML file. It has beautiful 3D cube transitions. You can resize it to fit it in you website, without the need to open the file in Flash. It was done entirely with actionscript 3.0 and it has a set of class
Fully resizable and customizable vertical images menu slider with XML settings. Features: Fully resizable; Customizable sizes/ borders/ margin/ colors/ opacity; Any images amount; Small size ONLY 7 kb swf; Any images sizes and sides ratio; Full suppo
This is a Flip Clock with weather conditions file, inspired by the "Sense UI" that all the HTC mobile phones use these days. I didn't do it exactly as the original cause I think the Yahoo Weather icons I used, look better. You can simply open the .as
CRE Loaded Affiliate Feeds Pack has all the features for online merchants to simplify the work with third-party Affiliate Systems and Affiliate Networks. Each Affiliate System has different requirements, formats and details.
The 2010 XML Image Ticker with Tooltip is a complete solution to display latest images or products on the website. With 20+ XML settings this ticker is a must to be used as a teaser on the main page of the website. Main feature of this ticker is the