Boost the power of your backlinks in 1-click.
Google Backlinks 2016
Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Win7 x32 / Win7 x64 Price: $10.00
Huge Page Rank, Trust Rank and Authority - this is exactly what your website needs to dominate Google! Backlinks from Google will get high Authority and Trust for your site! Domain authority is the likelihood of a single domain to rank well. The higher the rank, the higher the authority of the site, and vice versa. Grab Google by the throat, demand your First Page Ranking, and make every backlink worth it's weight in gold. The importance of high authority websites is mirrored in their ability to rank high in the search engines result pages. Obviously, high ranking results in more visits, which will increase the chances of you getting the traffic through a link posted on a authority website. As said, authority websites enjoy a certain amount of credibility on the internet, as they are associated with high quality content. Their audience implicitly trusts them to share high quality links, which is why obtaining links from authority websites like Google has positive influence on your website's traffic. Furthermore, dofollow links from authority website are a very strong ranking signal and can be the source of lot of link juice. Although links from authority websites are not easy to get, they are very valuable and they are totally worth the time you are going to invest in getting them. MAKE YOUR SITE RANKING #1 ON GOOGLE! GO FOR QUALITY NOT QUANTITY! Getting backlinks - links from other websites to your business's website - is the most effective way to improve your rankings. Not all backlinks are equal though. Some backlinks won't improve your rankings at all, and some might even have a negative effect. Therefore, your focus should be on acquiring high quality backlinks. What makes a backlink high quality is subjective, and every SEO consultant will have at least a slightly differing opinion on the topic, however, most would agree that a good quality backlink would be comprised of several of the factors, and that a Google Backlinks would be the most perfect backlinks.
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