Create CSS scrollbar color designs, IE, Opera
CSS Scrollbar Color Designer 3
Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Windows2000 / WinXP / Windows2003 / Windows Vista Starter / Windows Vista Home Basic / Windows Vista Home Prem Price: $4.95
Make your web site shine with spectacular CSS scrollbar color themes. The Renegade CSS Scrollbar Color Designer is point and click easy with color pickers, color mixing sliders, and color eye-droppers that can pick any color from anywhere on your screen. Real time previews let you mix colors fast.
A large real time preview and real size preview let you preview your color schemes as you change them. When you're happy, you can generate your CSS in 1 click. Another base preview lets you preview CSS scrollbar base colors when you generate your CSS.
Convenient presets let you keep your various color schemes available to change in a single click. Give them names for easy reference.
Whether you like HEX, RGB or named colors, you get to choose how the Renegade CSS Scrollbar Color Designer shows them. Use pure HEX colors, pure RGB color values, or use named colors with HEX or RGB for unnamed colors. You get your colors how you like them.
When you are happy with your colors, save your CSS scrollbar colors to a CSS file or just copy and paste the code into your web site files.
And if you already have nice scrollbar colors, you can import them from CSS, HTML, HTM, ASP, PHP, CFM, ASP.NET, Perl or any other web text file for instant display.
Hover your mouse over the preview to reveal the name of the element and the color in HEX.
All scrollbar color items are fully supported:
You can even mix the base color with override colors for super-fast color themes in only a few clicks. Your CSS code then looks like this:
scrollbar-base-color: White;
scrollbar-face-color: Olive;
scrollbar-highlight-color: ;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: ;
scrollbar-shadow-color: ;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #004000;
scrollbar-track-color: ;
scrollbar-arrow-color: ;
Download today.
Free CSS Scrollbar Color Designer download - 703 KbRenegadeScrollbarColorDesigner.zip
CSS, scrollbar, scrollbars, colors, scroll bar colors, internet explorer, opera, web design |