Variables that you can change : bannerWidth
XML_Banner 1.0
Supported languages: English
Supported OS: Win98 / WinME / WinXP / Windows2000 / Windows2003 / Windows Vista Home Premium / Windows Vista Home Basic x64 / Wi Price: $10.00
Variables that you can change :
bannerWidth set the width of the banner
bannerHeight set the heght of the banner
menu the menu if optional ... true/false
rand true/false the appereance will be random or in order
spacing the spacing bettwen buttons on menu section
speed speed for the banner rotation
picturePosition the position of the picture on the banner
time time bettwen banner rotation if the buton is not press
butonSize buton size in menu section
color1 first color of the background gradient
color2 second color of the background gradient
bcolor the background color for inactive buttons
bactivecolor the background color for the active buton
pictureLeft you can set where you whant the picture to appear ... left=true ....right=false
and other variables ... as text format for the numbers on the menu buttons ... and the text format and link on the banner is given on the XML file ... you can have more then one text on the banner ... smart image loader !
Package includes: FLA;
Opens with: Flash 8, Flash CS3;
AS Version: ActionScript 2.0;
Viewable with: Flash Player 5 and above.
Free XML_Banner download - 488 Kbflash_xml_banner.html?ref=phils
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