TIFF Merge Split ActiveX Component 1.12
TIFF Merge Split ActiveX Component can merge, split, swap, delete , extract, add page of existing multipage TIFF file. It have fast TIFF engine, the processing time is very fast.
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Text & Image Overlay Directshow Filter 1.07
Text & Image Overlay Filter is a powerful transform filter that allows adjustment video color- contrast, brightness, saturate, hue, lightness, invert color. Adding unlimited texts or images, watermarks to video stream, user define font size
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Mainmedia Video Processing Directshow Filter 1.36
Video Processing Filter is a powerful transform filter that allows rotate the video in 90, 180, and 270 degrees ,keep aspect ratio when rotated the video in 90 and 270 degrees , flip the video, convert a RGB video stream to Grayscale and invert color
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Mainmedia TIFF Merge Split ActiveX Component 1.57
TIFF Merge Split ActiveX Component can merge, split, swap, delete , extract, add page of existing multipage TIFF file. It have fast TIFF engine, the processing time is very fast.
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MainMedia Tiff Image & Fax ActiveX SDK 1.57
Tiff, Bmp, Emf, Ico, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PCX, PNG, PSD, Gif, Png,PGX, RAS, PNM, Wmf, WBMP, TGA and image viewer activex.
free download trial (200 Kb)
Mainmedia Screen Capture Directshow 1.37
Screen Capture directshow source filter that support Capture the full screen, an area of the screen in any Directshow base application.
Support dynamic zoom in or zoom out specific area.
Support enable or disable capture mouse pointer.
free download trial (989 Kb)
Mainmedia iPod Encoder Directshow Filter 1.47
iPod Encoder Filter is a powerful ipod encoder that allows write to ipod video file in any Directshow base application. For example - video capture, video converter, video editing application.
free download trial (3.71 Mb)
MainMedia Image Viewer ActiveX Component 1.05
Tiff, Bmp, Emf, Ico, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PCX, PNG, PSD, Gif, Png,PGX, RAS, PNM, Wmf, WBMP, TGA and image viewer activex.
free download trial (200 Kb)
Mainmedia Image Converter Pro ActiveX Component 1.47
Image Converter Pro ActiveX Component can convert, resize to different image formats. It include convert to bmp, jpg, tif, png, gif, pcx, jp2, ico, jpc, pgx, pnm, ras, tga, wbmp and also it support input PDF file.
free download trial (2.13 Mb)
MainMedia Image Converter ActiveX SDK 3.37
Image Converter ActiveX Component can convert, resize to different image formats. It include convert to bmp, jpg, tif, png, gif, pcx, jp2, ico, jpc, pgx, pnm, ras, tga, wbmp and also it support input PDF file.
free download trial (2.13 Mb)
Mainmedia F4V Encoder directshow SDK 1.35
Support encode F4V video file in any Directshow base application.
Video and Audio encoding using industry leading standards such as H.264, AAC.
Video files, Video capture or network streaming can be used as sources.
free download trial (3.39 Mb)
Mainmedia Audio Pitch Directshow Filter 2.47
Audio Pitch Filter is a powerful transform filter that allows change the audio pitch or audio tempo when playback video or audio file in any Directshow base application.
Support change the audio pitch or audio tempo in any Directshow app
free download trial (975 Kb)
IPod Encoder Directshow Filter 1.07
iPod Encoder Filter is a powerful ipod encoder that allows write to ipod video file in any Directshow base application. For example - video capture, video converter, video editing application.
free download trial (3.71 Mb)
Image Converter Pro ActiveX Component 1.06
Image Converter Pro ActiveX Component can convert, resize to different image formats. It include convert to bmp, jpg, tif, png, gif, pcx, jp2, ico, jpc, pgx, pnm, ras, tga, wbmp and also it support input PDF file.
free download trial (2.13 Mb)
Image Converter ActiveX Component 2.03
Image Converter ActiveX Component can convert, resize to different image formats. It include convert to bmp, jpg, tif, png, gif, pcx, jp2, ico, jpc, pgx, pnm, ras, tga, wbmp and also it support input PDF file.
free download trial (2.13 Mb)
FLV Encoder Directshow Filter 1.20
Support encode FLV video file in any Directshow base application. Support user define video bitrate, audio bitrate, frame rate, resolution, audio sample rate, audio channels.
Compatible with any programming language that supports Directshow .
free download trial (3.71 Mb)
Audio Pitch Directshow Filter 2.07
Audio Pitch Filter is a powerful transform filter that allows change the audio pitch or audio tempo when playback video or audio file in any Directshow base application.
Support change the audio pitch or audio tempo in any Directshow app
free download trial (975 Kb)