Super Mouse Auto Clicker

Super Mouse Auto Clicker 3.4

Super Mouse Auto Clicker used to auto click mouse at defined location.Use Super Mouse Auto Clicker utility to automatically help you refresh a web browser, open many instances of another program, etc.

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Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker

Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker 3.3

Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker is a keyboard and mouse recorder tool used to record mouse movements, mouse clicks, keystroke and repeat them at any time and as any times as you want.It also can auto type text you want.

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Free Mouse Auto Clicker

Free Mouse Auto Clicker 3.1

Free Mouse Auto Clickeris a software that can free you from repeat mouse click work.It's simple but enough for normal use. And,it's FREE!

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Find Picture,Click Picture

Find And Click 1.4

Find And Click is an easy-to-use tool.It can find a picture on the screen what you defined with the scope and click it.

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ayto text typer

Auto Text Typer 1.0

Auto Text Typer is a powerful yet easy-to-use tool with many more features that can automatically enter text, phrases, sentences or paragraphs with a hotkey that you defined.

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Auto Clicker,Auto Mouse Clicker

AC Picture Clicker 2.2

Auto clicker can automate click the current point where the mouse point at on the screen

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