Cash book managment software

PowerPN Gestione prima nota e bilancio 3.6.0

Cash book managment software, with report, print, statistics generation features

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Texas hold'em data import and statistics

PowerPKStat Poker Statistics 2.1.0

Software that lets you to import data and statistics from 'Texas hold'em' sites or programs, such as Pokerstars

free download trial (19.19 Mb)

Powerful software to cataloque dreams

PowerDREAM Software to catalogue dreams 2.0.8

Powerful software designed to cataloque dreams, with search, print, report and chronological data features

free download trial (32 Mb)

Gestione presenze del personale aziendale

PowerDIP Presenze Personale Aziendale 7.4.0

Software per la gestione delle presenze del personale aziendale. Report mensili, stampe, giustificazioni e prospetto ferie

free download trial (32 Mb)

Software for clubs, gyms, organizations

PowerCLUB Gestione Iscrizioni 2.7.0

Software for the management of clubs, gyms, organizations, sports associations and organizations

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Airsoft club manager

PowerAirSoft Softair Club 2.7.0

Airsoft club manager

free download trial (32 Mb)

Aphasia treatment software

PowerAFA Aphasia Treatment Software 6.4.0

PowerAFA is an Aphasia, speech and brain injury treatment software, that improves words and letters recognition and other skills in aphasic patients. Software is composed by a great variety of exercises.

free download trial (32 Mb)

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