Site Metatag Analyzer 3.0
Keyword Density analysis: metatags, URL, domain, subdomain, directory, whole page. Reads all metatags: Title, Description, Keywords, Generator, others. Sorts the metatags in frequency or alphabetic order.
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MetatagThief 3.0
The MetatagThief 3.0 enters your SERP (Search Engine Results Page) and collects the metatags from the listed websites. The Metatag Thief module extracts the metatags from all the pages listed in the Google SERPs.
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KeywordThief 3.0
The KeywordThief extracts the keywords from the Keyword Metatag, from the sites listed in the SERPs (search engine result pages) of Google, Altavista, Open Directory or other search engines.
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GGG (Great Gateway Generator) 3.1
Generate at least one page for each possible keyword that describes your website content. These pages will be optimized for top position in Google and other search engines.
More than 40 configurable features make your pages look like hand-made.
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AlgoCracker 3.0
The AlgoCracker enters any site and collects the metatags and different Keyword Densities. Fast and easy Intelligence work on your competitors. See why your competitors are top ranked.
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