SportDraw water polo 6
SportDraw water polo drill animated playbook used for water polo coaching, water polo training, water polo for youth and water polo scouting; water polo coach makes water polo drills and water polo plays to get MP4 video and share it.
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SportDraw Soccer Football 6
SportDraw Football Soccer drill animated playbook used for Football coaching, Football training, Soccer for youth and Soccer scouting; Football coach makes Football Soccer drills and Football Soccer plays to get MP4 video and share it.
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SportDraw miniFootball 6
SportDraw miniFootball drill animated playbook used for miniFootball coaching, miniFootball training, miniFootball for youth and miniFootball scouting; miniFootball coach makes miniFootball drills and miniFootball plays to get MP4 video and share it.
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SportDraw Handball 6
SportDraw handball drill animated playbook used for handball coaching, handball training, handball for youth and handball scouting; handball coach makes handball drills and handball plays to get MP4 video and share it.
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SportDraw Futsal Soccer Indoor 6
SportDraw Futsal Soccer Indoor drill animated playbook used for Futsal coaching, Futsal training, Futsal for youth and Futsal scouting; Futsal coach makes Futsal Soccer Indoor drills and Futsal Soccer Indoor plays to get MP4 video and share it.
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SportDraw Basketball 6
SportDraw Basketball drill animated playbook used for basketball coaching, basketball training, basketball for youth and basketball for kids. Basketball coach makes Basketball drills and Basketball plays to get MP4 video and share it.
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Sport Scouting 6
Sport Scouting is Video Scouting Video Analysis for basketball or any sport. It has Scouting reports, plays diagrams, buttons to cut video for any stats or scout parameter. It has movie player to preview automatic sorted video clips with overlay text
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