Time Clock Software
Smart Time Clock Software is timesheet management application with functionality to maintain time in, time out of employees and support others significant options. Manage payroll of employees through total working hours, accrual, holidays, vacations.
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Time Clock Manager Pro 2.1
Time Clock Software, employee time clock and a management tool. It works with touch screen monitors. Also has integrated security, try it free at Time Clock Software
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Reboot Buddy 2.1
Reboot Buddy 2.1 automatically reboots the PC at the set time or on command. The application allows users to set multiple reboot times or reboot on Command - Auto Reboot
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Picture Puzzle Wizard 1.2
Picture Puzzle 1.2 This is Just a basic slide Game where you have to move around the pieces of the puzzle and try to put them in order. The games is simple free an fun. Picture Puzzle
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Phone Card Organizer Mate 2.1
Phone Card Organizer Mate 2.1 An application that lets you store and organize phone number and contact information. Also has auto email and auto dial option. Phone Card
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Number Boy 1.0
Thie program can read your mind(well sort of) - By: Brain Teaser
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Multiple File Find Replace Buddy 2.1
Multiple File Find Replace Buddy 2.1 will scan specified files for specified text and replace is it with new text. Up to 20000 Find and Replace values can be stored. Find Replace
find, replace, advanced, internet, search
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Multiple Database Query Analyzer 2.1
Multiple Database Query Analyzer 2.1 supports qurries with diffrent types of databases. It supports Sql, Access, Oracle, MySql. Query Analyzer
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Macro Keyboard Mouse Recorder Wizard 2.1
Macro Wizard Keyboard Mouse Recorder 2.1 lets you record and play back keyboard and mouse actions. Also has Hot Keys Macro Software
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Hotkeys Buddy 2.1
Hotkeys Buddy 2.1 automatically enters text and launches applications when customized hotkeys are hit, A Great keyboard shortcut tool Hotkeys
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Envelope Printer Manager Pro 2.1
Envelope Printer Manager Pro 2.1 will print a single or multiple address on to envelops. It will also import address from CSV lists Envelope Printer
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Customer Manager Buddy 2.1
Manage customers and leads to increase sales and profits. It a complete system that is the application to track customer information such as contacts and customer notes. Customer Managemet
customer, manager, lead, track, sales
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Barcode Wizard 4.1
Barcode Wizard 4.1 lets you make your on bar codes and export them to other windows applications. Its also lets you run it from a command line with a text file input, Barcode Software
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Auto Type 2.1
Auto Type 2.1 Auto Type Complete words that are typed in windows applications When a matching word his typed a list of words it displayed. Auto Type
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Auto Click Link Buddy 2.1
Automatically click links and buttons on web pages Auto Click
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