XlsToSqlite 1.0
XlsToSqlite - Import Excel to Sqlite easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import from multiple sheets at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (5.2 Mb)
XlsToSql 2.6
XlsToSql - Import Excel to SQL Server easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import from multiple sheets at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (5.23 Mb)
XlsToPG 1.0
XlsToPG - Import Excel to PostgreSQL easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import from multiple sheets at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (4.59 Mb)
XlsToOra 2.4
XlsToOra is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database programmer import Excel data to Oracle. Main features: Easy visually config. Saving/loading session parameters. Displaying Progress, time estimation. Import preview. Unicode support.
free download trial (2.23 Mb)
XlsToMy 1.6
XlsToMy is a tool to import Excel data to Mysql. Main features: 1 Read data from excel sheet into a Mysql table. 2 Run SQL command to see importing results. 3 Support text,blob type. 4 Support Unicode. 5 Wizard - step by step.
free download trial (2.17 Mb)
XlsToMdb 2.0
XlsToMdb is a tool to import Excel data to Access. Main features: 1 Read data from excel sheet into an Access table. 2 Run SQL command to see importing results. 3 Support Unicode. 4 Wizard - step by step. 5 Support Excel 2007 and Access 2007.
free download trial (1.86 Mb)
XlsToDB2 1.3
XlsToDB2 is a tool to import Excel data to DB2. Main features: 1 Read data from excel sheet into a DB2 table. 2 Run SQL command to see importing results. 3 Support BLOB,CLOB type. 4 Support Unicode. 5 Wizard - step by step.
free download trial (1.96 Mb)
Withdata SqliteToExcel 1.0
Withdata SqliteToExcel - Export SQLite to Excel easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (4.97 Mb)
Withdata PostgresToExcel 1.0
Withdata PostgresToExcel - Export PostgreSQL to Excel easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (4.41 Mb)
Withdata OracleToExcel 1.8
Withdata OracleToExcel - Export Oracle data to Excel easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (4.29 Mb)
Withdata MysqlToExcel 1.8
Withdata MysqlToExcel - export Mysql data to Excel file easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (4.07 Mb)
Withdata MsSqlToExcel 1.8
Withdata MsSqlToExcel - Export MS SQL Server to Excel easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (4.04 Mb)
Withdata DB2ToExcel 1.9
Withdata DB2ToExcel - Export DB2 to Excel easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (3.96 Mb)
Withdata AccessToExcel 1.9
Withdata AccessToExcel - Export Access data to Excel. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (3.85 Mb)
TxtToSqlite 1.1
TxtToSqlite - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to SQLite easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import multiple files at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (5.41 Mb)
TxtToSql 2.6
TxtToSql - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to SQL Server easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import multiple files at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (4.77 Mb)
TxtToPG 1.1
TxtToPG - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to PostgreSQL easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import multiple files at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (4.82 Mb)
TxtToMy 2.2
TxtToMy - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to MySQL easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import multiple files at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (4.83 Mb)
TxtToDB2 2.0
TxtToDB2 - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to DB2 easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import multiple files at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (4.66 Mb)
Tail4win 4.9
Tail4win - windows tail. It can monitor changes to files and display the changed lines in realtime. It is very usefull for monitoring log files of applications - e.g. Apache's logs or IIS's logs. It can capture and display OutputDebugString / TRACE.
free download trial (2.06 Mb)
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SqlToTxt 2.4
SqlToTxt - export Sql Server data to files (csv, txt, sql, xml, excel...). Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (4.12 Mb)
SqlLobEditor 2.4
SqlLobEditor: Edit SQL Server LOB ([IMAGE, VARBINARY(MAX)] (BLOB), [TEXT, NTEXT, VARCHAR(MAX), NVARCHAR(MAX)] (CLOB)) data. SqlLobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit SQL Server LOB ([IMAGE, VARBINARY(MAX)] (BLOB), [TEXT,
free download trial (4.19 Mb)
SqliteToTxt 1.0
SqliteToTxt - Export SQLite data to file (csv, txt, sql, xml, excel...). Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (5.04 Mb)
SqliteToPostgres 1.0
SqliteToPostgres - Import SQLite to PostgreSQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.79 Mb)
SqliteToOracle 1.0
SqliteToOracle - Import SQLite to Oracle. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (6.01 Mb)
SqliteToMysql 1.2
SqliteToMysql - Import SQLite to MySQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (6.19 Mb)
SqliteToMsSql 1.0
SqliteToMsSql - Import SQLite to SQL Server. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.75 Mb)
SqliteToDB2 1.0
SqliteToDB2 - Import SQLite to DB2. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.67 Mb)
SqliteToAccess 1.0
SqliteToAccess - Import SQLite to Access. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.6 Mb)
SqliteLobEditor 1.0
SqliteLobEditor: Edit SQLite LOB (BLOB,CLOB) data. SqliteLobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit SQLite LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data directly. It can import/export LOB data also.
free download trial (4.45 Mb)
PostgresToSqlite 1.0
PostgresToSqlite - Import PostgreSQL to SQLite. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.79 Mb)
PostgresToOracle 1.0
PostgresToOracle - Import PostgreSQL to Oracle. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.33 Mb)
PostgresToMysql 1.0
PostgresToMysql - Import PostgreSQL to MySQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.12 Mb)
PostgresToMsSql 1.0
PostgresToMsSql - Import PostgreSQL to SQL Server. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.11 Mb)
PostgresToDB2 1.0
PostgresToDB2 - Import PostgreSQL to DB2. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5 Mb)
PostgresToAccess 1.0
PostgresToAccess - Import PostgreSQL to Access. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5 Mb)
PGToTxt 1.0
PGToTxt - Export PostgreSQL data to file (csv, txt, sql, xml, excel...). Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (4.44 Mb)
PGLobEditor 1.0
PGLobEditor: Edit PostgreSQL LOB (BLOB,CLOB) data. PGLobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit PostgreSQL LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data directly. It can import/export LOB data also.
free download trial (4.07 Mb)
OraLobEditor 3.5
OraLobEditor: Edit Oracle LOB, Direct. OraLobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit Oracle LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data directly.
free download trial (4.02 Mb)
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OraLoader 4.3
OraLoader is a Oracle data load/unload tool. Main features: 1. Import data from text,csv,Excel file. 2. Export data to text, csv, excel, html, xml, SQL*Loader control file. 3. Run SQL command, and export result to text, csv, excel, html, xml.
free download trial (5.34 Mb)
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OraCmd 2.5
OraCmd is a command-line tool for Oracle that can run sql command, import/export data. Main features: 1.Execute sql command. 2.Run sql script. 3.Load/unload data from/to file. 5.Schedule and execute DB tasks. 6.Display fetch result vertically.
free download trial (1.29 Mb)
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OracleToSqlite 1.0
OracleToSqlite - Import Oracle to SQLite. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (6 Mb)
OracleToPostgres 1.0
OracleToPostgres - Import Oracle to PostgreSQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.34 Mb)
OracleToMysql 1.2
OracleToMysql - Import Oracle to Mysql easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.03 Mb)
OracleToMsSql 1.2
OracleToMsSql - Import Oracle to SQL Server. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5 Mb)
OracleToDB2 1.5
OracleToDB2 - Import Oracle to DB2. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.94 Mb)
OracleToAccess 2.1
OracleToAccess - Export Oracle data to Access easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Easy visual configuration. 2.Convert from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Wizard, Step by step.
free download trial (4.88 Mb)
MyToTxt 2.1
MyToTxt - Export Mysql data to files (csv, txt, sql, xml, html, excel...). Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (4.17 Mb)
MysqlToPostgres 1.2
MysqlToPostgres - Import MySQL to PostgreSQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.78 Mb)
MysqlToOracle 1.5
MysqlToOracle - Import MySQL to Oracle. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (6.06 Mb)
MysqlToMsSql 1.2
MysqlToMsSql - Import Mysql to SQL Server. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (4.64 Mb)
MysqlToDB2 1.2
MysqlToDB2 - Import Mysql to DB2 easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (4.55 Mb)
MysqlToAccess 2.1
MysqlToAccess - Export Mysql to Access easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Easy visual configuration. 2.Exports from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Wizard, Step by step.
free download trial (4.54 Mb)
MyLobEditor 1.9
MyLobEditor - Edit Mysql LOB (text,blob) data. MyLobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit Mysql LOB (text, blob) data directly. It can import/export LOB data also.
free download trial (3.92 Mb)
MsSqlToSqlite 1.0
MsSqlToSqlite - Import SQL Server to SQLite. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.75 Mb)
MsSqlToPostgres 1.2
MsSqlToPostgres - Import SQL Server to PostgreSQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.77 Mb)
MsSqlToOracle 1.2
MsSqlToOracle - Import SQL Server to Oracle. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (4.74 Mb)
MsSqlToMysql 1.2
MsSqlToMysql - Import SQL Server to Mysql. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (4.63 Mb)
MsSqlToDB2 1.2
MsSqlToDB2 - Import SQL Server to DB2 easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (4.49 Mb)
MsSqlToAccess 2.1
MsSqlToAccess - Export SQL Server to Access easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Easy visual configuration. 2.Exports from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Wizard, Step by step.
free download trial (3.92 Mb)
DBBlobEditor 5.4
DBBlobEditor: Edit database LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data. DBBlobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit database LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data directly. It can import/export LOB data also.
free download trial (4.82 Mb)
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DB2ToTxt 1.9
DB2ToTxt - Export DB2 data to file (csv, txt, sql, xml, excel...). Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (4.01 Mb)
DB2ToSqlite 1.0
DB2ToSqlite - Import DB2 to SQLite. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.67 Mb)
DB2ToPostgres 1.0
DB2ToPostgres - Import DB2 to PostgreSQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5 Mb)
DB2ToOracle 1.2
DB2ToOracle - Import DB2 to Oracle easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (4.74 Mb)
DB2ToMysql 1.2
DB2ToMysql - Import DB2 to Mysql easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (4.54 Mb)
DB2ToMsSql 1.2
DB2ToMsSql - Import DB2 to SQL Server easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (4.65 Mb)
DB2ToAccess 1.3
DB2ToAccess is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database programmer convert DB2 data to Access. Main features: 1. Easy visual configuration. 2.Exports from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation.
free download trial (2.16 Mb)
DB2LobEditor 1.7
DB2LobEditor: Edit DB2 LOB (BLOB,CLOB) data. DB2LobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit DB2 LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data directly. It can import/export LOB data also.
free download trial (3.85 Mb)
CsvToAccess 2.5
CsvToAccess - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to Access easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import multiple files at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (4.63 Mb)
AccessToSqlite 1.0
AccessToSqlite - Import Access to SQLite. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (5.59 Mb)
AccessToPostgres 1.0
AccessToPostgres - Import Access to PostgreSQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.
free download trial (4.99 Mb)
AccessToOracle 1.4
AccessToOracle is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database programmer convert Access data to Oracle database. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation.
free download trial (2.36 Mb)
AccessToMysql 1.4
AccessToMysql is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database programmer convert Access data to Mysql database. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation.
free download trial (2.32 Mb)
AccessToMsSql 1.3
AccessToMsSql is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database programmer convert Access data to Sql Server. Main features: 1. Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation.
free download trial (2.02 Mb)
AccessToFile 2.2
AccessToFile - Export Access data to files (csv, text, xml, excel...). Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.
free download trial (3.96 Mb)
AccessToDB2 1.2
AccessToDB2 is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database programmer convert Access data to DB2 database. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation.
free download trial (2.08 Mb)