Points Import for AutoCAD is a Point Text file import plug-in for AutoCAD?®. This plug-in gives AutoCAD powered applications the ability to import point data from text files.
PLT Import for AutoCAD is a HPGL Plot (.plt) file import plug-in for AutoCAD?®. This plug-in gives AutoCAD the ability to import geometric data from ASCII and Binary PLT files.
PIX Import for AutoCAD is a Dr. Picza (.pix) file import plug-in for AutoCAD?®. This plug-in gives AutoCAD the ability to import geometric data from ASCII and Binary PIX files.
OBJ Import for AutoCAD is a Wavefront (.obj) file import plug-in for AutoCAD?®. This plug-in gives AutoCAD the ability to import geometric data from ASCII and Binary OBJ files.
NC Import for AutoCAD is a Numeric Control NC program (.nc) file import plug-in for AutoCAD?®. This plug-in gives AutoCAD the ability to import toolpath data from NC program files.
Mesh To Solid for AutoCAD is a polygon mesh to 3d solid conversion plug-in for AutoCAD. This plug-in gives AutoCAD the ability to convert a mesh into a solid. Mesh To Solid for AutoCAD adds several commands along with a menu which houses them.
Mesh To Solid is a software to convert a mesh into a solid. Mesh To Solid is designed to be extremely user friendly and easy to understand. Its as easy as opening a mesh file using the Open command and saving it as a solid using the Save As command.
Mesh Booleans for AutoCAD is a mesh boolean modeling plug-in for AutoCAD?®. Mesh Booleans for AutoCAD gives AutoCAD the ability to perform boolean operations between PolyFace Meshes, Polygon Meshes and 3D Solids or a combination of all.