assistive technology eye tracker

ECTtracker 15.4.2

ECTtracker is an eye-tracking AAC program, allowing the real-time analysis of the user's eye (open or closed). ECTtracker implements low cost computer mediated communication for people suffering from various forms of paralysis.

free download (2.84 Mb)

Emulates mouse movements and button clicks

ECTmouse 1.13.4

ECTmouse is an application which emulates cursor movement and mouse button clicks by using any keyboard. This program is part of the assistive technologies complex and works effectively with a personal computer for those with limited motor functions.

free download (1.68 Mb)

ECTmorse emulates the Morse-telegraph

ECTmorse 1.13.3

ECTmorse is a program designed to help sufferers of paralysis by allowing them to type using Morse code. The program may be used on nearly any PC or laptop because of its low system requirements, and is fully featured and customizable.

free download (1.6 Mb)

Type texts by sniffing or blowing

ECTlistener 2.7.2

ECTlistener allows the user suffering from paralysis or extremely reduced mobility to work with a symbol matrix and type text letter-by-letter via making any noise or sound possible (sniffing, inhaling/exhaling, blowing on microphone etc.).

free download (1.88 Mb)

Text input by pressing single button

ECTkeyboard 31.3.2

ECTkeyboard is a program that allows individuals with significantly reduced muscular activity (ex paralysis sufferers, quadriplegic patients) to type messages and even lengthy texts letter-by-letter via pressing only one physical button.

free download (2.86 Mb)

Simple, portable, freeware camera application

ECTcamera 2.28.2

ECTcamera by EyeComTec is a freeware portable program to manage a webcam or an external camera. It allows to scale and position video, make screenshots with flexible intervals, export and import settings. Free for private non-commercial use.

free download (1.92 Mb)

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