Thunderbird mails to Outlook PST Converter.

Thunderbird To PST 2.2

Thunderbird Mails to Outlook Converter is a tool which facilitates the users of thunderbird to migrate mails to Outlook. Migration to different editions of Outlook like 2003, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2013 is possible.

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NSF files to Outlook PST file converter

NSF to PST 9.4

Lotus Notes NSF file to PST File converter is a tool that deals with the successful conversion of complicated NSF file to Outlook PST format. The tool has various features to support quick and safe NSF to PST conversion.

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Exchange Server EDB Viewer for Mailboxes

Exchange Server EDB Viewer 1.0

View emails from Exchange Server without Exchange Server environment using Exchange EDB Viewer Tool. View all items of mailbox even if the Exchange database file is corrupted or offline.

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Convert Excel Contacts to Lotus Notes

Excel Contacts to Lotus Notes 1.0

Excel to Lotus Notes contacts conversion can be done by first exporting all contacts from Excel spreadsheet into VCF file format, once contacts gets converted into vCard then it can be easily import into Lotus Notes platform.

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OST Recovery Software - FREE Recover OST2PST

Complete Converter for OST PST 3.0

Perform smooth conversion of OST files to Most Popular PST/MSG/EML/VCF/MBOX and PST to OST/EML/MSG/VCF/MBOX format.

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