IE HTTP Analyzer 6.0.1
HTTP(s) Protocol Analyzer,integrates into the lower part of your IE and Firefox browser. It allows you to capture HTTP/HTTPS traffic in real-time. It doesn't change your Windows system files and no device drivers or proxies have to be installed.
free download trial (4.79 Mb)
IE DOM Inspector 1.5.3
IE DOM Inspector is a add-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer that allows you to inspect and edit the live HTML DOM , view style attributes of any web document. You can view, traverse, and even dynamically update HTML DOM directly in the browser!
free download trial (2.25 Mb)
HTTP Analyzer 6.0.1
HTTP Analyzer is an utility that allows you to capture HTTP/HTTPS traffic in real-time. It displays a wide range of information, including Header,Timing, Content, Cookies, Query Strings, Post data, Request and Response Stream,redirection URLs and more
free download trial (6.2 Mb)