Group SMS Transferring Software helps in sending messages to any GSM technology based mobile devices, Android Mobile Phones or major windows based pocket PC mobile devices. The application sends multiple messages to multiple users without internet.
Bulk SMS software shares the unique messages to all individuals on one click. Windows Bulk SMS software saves time of users to prepare messages for different recipients. Software saves the sent messages in sent items and user can also export the list
Bulk SMS Messaging Tool support GSM technology based mobile phones to compose and transfer group of messages to multiple mobile phones around the world. Software provides support to any language including English and Unicode (non-English) characters.
Mac Multi Device Bulk SMS Software sends promotional text messages by a business to provide information about products and services or share alerts and time-sensitive updates and can conveniently and effectively communicate with all of your contacts.
MacOS Professional Bulk SMS Software delivers thousands of text messages, alerts, notifications etc. via GSM or Android Technology based mobile phones connected with Mac installed machines. Software supports text SMS that contains Unicode characters.
Software allows users to send multiple numbers of messages without any internet connection over a worldwide location from a PC or laptop using window-based mobile phones. Software also gives the option of sending a standard message or a notification.
SMS Sending Application sends text messages like business events, meetings, scheduling interviews from PC to multiple contact numbers at a same time. Users can export the contact numbers along with text messages in excel file format for further use.
MacOS Bulk SMS Messaging Application sends messages over national or international mobile networks. Software provide users with the opportunity to add as many phone numbers as required and these phone numbers can be managed in a variety of ways.