RQ SpamFinish 1.05
RQ SpamFinish is anti-spam utility. It allows you delete spam automatically or manually directly from the mail server. This Anti spam tool based on black and white-list and compare the messages fields [From], [To] and [Subject] with this lists.
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RQ MSWord Search-Replace 1.10
Find and replace text MSWord documents using Pattern matching (Wildcards), Match Case, Whole Words only. Change (or not) format of found text, or highlight this text only, change font color andor font size.
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RQ Apache LogViewer 1.11
RQ LogViewer allows comfortably to view apache log files, saved on your PC. Main features: RQ LogViewer parse Apache log file, loads it into the table and highlite the specific information. Filter,Autofilter Whois,GeoBytel service support.
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Forex trade Calculator 1.47
Forex Trade Calculator is used to calculate a current profit/loss of open positions and profit/loss after "partial closing" or "reversing" positions, using real-time quotes. Also the economical calendar alert give warnings about inportant news.
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