com component
mp3 component
zip component
web component
asp.net component
c component
com zip component
pdf component asp.net
vb tcp component
mis component
vb component
pdf component
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Ajax-Controls.NET control for.NET Framework.


Ajax-Controls.NET component is designed to provide developers with an easy-to-use tool to AJAX enable standard ASP.NET controls and 3rd party controls in ASP.NET application, which allow you to update page content without postback and loss of scroll

free download trial (1.5 Mb)

A powerful ASP.NET query builder.

Active Query Builder ASP.NET Edition 0.1

This component is an ASP.NET query builder designed to let you easily and efficiently build queries of varying degrees of complexity by using a visual editor complete with an understandable user-friendly interface.

free download trial (1.48 Mb)

File upload component for ASP.NET

EAUpload 1.3.2

EAUpload is an ASP.NET file upload component that provides expansive functionality for files upload to a web server. It has many features such as: Large files upload; Multiple files upload by one request; Advanced upload status information, etc.

free download trial (2.2 Mb)

Rich-Text-Editor.NET control for ASP.NET


Rich-Text-Editor.NET component is designed to provide developers with an easy-to-use tool to create professional WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) content editor for ASP.NET.

free download trial (6.36 Mb)

Cute Editor - Leading ASP.NET HTML Editor

Cute Editor for ASP.NET 6.6

The most powerful WYSIWYG browser-based Online HTML Editor for ASP.NET.It enables ASP.NET Web developers to replace the Textarea in your existing content management system with a powerful, but easy to use WYSIWYG HTML editing component.

free download trial (14.79 Mb)

quickly tell you how many pages are in a pdf

PDF Page Counter COM Component 1.10

The com component will quickly tell you how many pages are in a pdf file without the need for acrobat, ideal for web sites that serve pdf content.
Example .asp, vb, .asp net, cold fusion, php & vc++ code included

free download trial (1.22 Mb)

Component for file compression/decompression.

EACompression .NET Zip Component 2.0

High performance zip component for your ASP.NET, Visual Basic.NET, C#, Managed C++, J# and JScript.NET applications to compress and decompress file. Easy-to-use and featured examples are included in the installation file.

free download trial (255 Kb)

The best .NET Logging Library available

.NET Logging Library 1.27

The .NET Logging Library is faster and easier to use than Log4Net. This .NET logging component supports multiple targets, runtime properties, config files, and custom logging. Download a free trial today.

free download trial (1.72 Mb)

Barcode web control for ASP .NET.

ASP.NET Barcode Web Server Control 9.8

Add barcodes easily with this web control for ASP.NET web applications. Barcodes dynamically appear in the web browser as high-quality images. Supports Linear and 2D types including Code 128, UPC-EAN, Code 39, Intelligent Mail, PDF417 and DataMatrix.

free download trial (1.25 Mb)

Generate barcode images for ASP.NET

KeepDynamic ASP.NET Barcode Generator Component 9.0

Barcode SDK for ASP.NET generate barcode images in ASP.NET Web applications, Reporting Services in C# or VB.NET. Supports 1D barcode, PDF417, Data Matrix, MaxiCode, QRCode

free download trial (1.91 Mb)

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