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Password Expiration Web Part enables Active Directory users to be notified via Web Part interface that their passwords are about to expire. It also automatically sends out email notifications to users before the password expiration date.
Forgotten password recovery software has a simple user interface, supports multiple hard disk drives, detects several SAM databases (if multiple OS were installed on one volume) and more. New Ultimate package includes linux-based Active@ LiveCD.
Simply change PDF document security and unlock PDF files with Crack PDF password remover tool. Try PDF Unlocker software free download to evaluate the efficiency of the tool. PDF Unlock tool supports batch unlocking of PDF files.
PowerPoint Password Recovery Tool recovers password from PowerPoint password files which created in MS PowerPoint. This PowerPoint password recovery software helps you to recover passwords for lost or forgotten MS PowerPoint password.
SQL Password Bypasser by Thegrideon Software allows you to instantly reset or change SQL Server accounts password. SQL Password Bypasser works with all versions including SQL Server 2016. Advanced password recovery engine is available as well.
Access VBA Password Cracker Tool to access VBA password with the help of world best VBA Password Recovery Software. Access VBA Password Cracker can be used to recover or remove lost or forgotten passwords to view and edit.
A-PDF Password Security is a desktop utility program that lets you change password security of existing Acrobat PDF files. It can handle either single or batch documents. Another convenient features include password pool and hot directory.