"Christmas Angel" is an Animated Screensaver by EleFun Multimedia devoted to the holiday theme. Some people say that at the great Christmas night a Christmas angel comes down from the sky and fulfills the most devout wishes.
Musikapa - Funny Game from EleFun Multimedia Games.Some time ago everyone believed that arkanoid was a bat and a ball only and the main goal of the game was to destroy blocks with the help of the bat and the ball. But it is not like that!
"Enchanted House" is an Animated Screensaver by EleFun Multimedia devoted to the holidays, namely, to Halloween. By hearsay of the residents of this neighborhood, this house is inhabited with ghosts and that is why people try to pass over this house
"Underwater Clock" is an Animated Screensaver by EleFun Multimedia devoted to the objects. An amazing picture comes into your view in this screensaver: ancient English clock are lying at the bottom of a pearly mountain creek.
"Fantasy World" - Animated Desktop Wallpaper by EleFun Multimedia. Do you enjoy your desktop having beautiful and animated wallpaper? Just have a look at Animated Desktop Wallpaper "Fantasy World". A stately castle stands on the
"Tortuga Island" - Animated Screen Saver by EleFun Multimedia.Just have a look at the Animated Screensaver "Tortuga Island" and and you will find yourself on uninhabited island. Feel yourself like treasure hunter, try to find the bonanza. Go to the
"Pharaoh's Gallery" is an Animated Screensaver by EleFun Multimedia devoted to the historic theme. One of the greatest pharaohs of Ancient Egypt ordered to build this gallery in order to take a walk here in the evening, stay alone and relax from
"Night of Reflections" is an Animated Screensaver by EleFun Multimedia devoted to the fire theme. It is known that one can watch the burning fire for hours on end. There is something unexplainable and hypnotic in it... This effect particularly
"Spring Lake" is an Animated Wallpaper by EleFun Multimedia devoted to the nature theme, namely, to the lakes.Just take a look at this lake: it is incredibly beautiful! This is because of the spring that has come to this place. It is in the spring
"Fireworks on Capitol" is an Animated Wallpaper by EleFun Multimedia devoted to the Independence Day of USA. USA Capitol is one of the most recognizable architectural structures in the world. During the day time it dazzles with its whiteness and arch