provides you with what you need to learn to type. You can work your way through the tests, compare your score with others and rise up the ranks and, at the end of the online typing test, you can order a certificate proving your skills.
Learn to touch-type in a quick and effective way! Multifunctional typing tutor has features which allow you to test and develop your typing skills from the basic level to a professional one in minimal time. ( QWERTY, DVORAK, AZERTY, RUSSIAN, GERMAN )
FlashPaste Speed Typing makes speed typing a reality thanks to its useful features allowing you to quickly and easily re-use multiple segments of text or code. Macros and clipboard history are also supported.
Enhance your typing skills with free typing tutor! Rapid Typing Tutor will help you learn how to use your keyboard more efficiently in a few easy courses for absolutely free. Children will learn by playing a fun game.
That German software teach you to type faster with all 10 fingers. A version for Germany and Switzerland is available at Der Schreibtrainer f??r Windows ist eines der besten Lernprogramme f??r das 10 Fingersystem.
When you are typing a text on your laptop and your thumb accidentally brushes the touchpad, this leads to change the position of the cursor in your document and you need start typing again and again. Touchpad Pal solves this problem.