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Best Folder Lock and File Encryption tool.

Bsecsoft Data Locker 2.0.11

Bsecsoft Data Locker is professional file encryption and folder lock software which offers you best way of encrypting and password protecting files and folders.

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Cypherix LE Free Encryption Software

Cypherix LE Free Encryption Software

Encrypt any file or folder on any Windows PC. Any Media, any type of data. Cypherix LE Free Encryption Software. Password protect any file or folder with strong Encryption. Send secure e-mail. Protects data on USB Drives, CDs and HDDs. Freeware.

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Cryptainer LE Free Encryption Software

Cryptainer LE Free Encryption Software

Encrypt any file or folder on any Windows PC. Any Media, any type of data. Cryptainer LE Free Encryption Software. Password protect any file or folder with strong Encryption. Send secure e-mail. Protects data on USB Drives, CDs and HDDs. Freeware.

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Cryptainer Lite Free Encryption Software

Cryptainer Lite Free Encryption Software

Encrypt any file or folder on any Windows PC. Any Media, any type of data. Cryptainer Lite Free Encryption Software. Password protect any file or folder with strong Encryption. Send secure e-mail. Protects data on USB Drives, CDs and HDDs. Freeware.

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Encrypt your computer folders.

Folder Encryption Software 2.5

Avoid identity theft and security breaches by password protecting folders containing important personal or work information on your computer. Download and install Folder Encryption Software for Windows.

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Hide Folder and Files with Encryption

Stealth Folder Hider 9.8

Stealth folder is password protected. Stealth Folder also comes with Clear Tracks and File shredder.

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Quickly and safely encrypt files and folders.

Best Folder Encryptor 16.72

Best Folder Encryptor quickly and safely encrypts files and folder in various ways - instant, hiding, super strong, packing and portable, and also offers enhanced features like folder disguise, disk protection, data lock, data shredding.

free download trial (2.81 Mb)

Portable app to decrypt CryptoForge files.

CryptoForge Decrypter 5.1.0

Decrypter is a portable, freeware, and tiny app that allows the decryption of files encrypted by CryptoForge encryption software. It is really easy-to-use, it does not require installation, and can run from external USB drives.

free download (1.77 Mb)

Secure IT File, Folder Encryption Software

Secure IT Encryption Software

Encrypt and compress any type of data on any Windows PC with Secure IT File, Folder Encryption Software. Shred any file or folder. Send Secure e-mail. Full command line Support. Zero learning curve.

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Cryptainer Pro Encryption Software

Cryptainer Pro Encryption Software

Encrypt any file or folder on any Windows PC. Any Media, any type of data. Cryptainer Pro Encryption Software. Password protect any file or folder with strong Encryption. Send secure email. Save Encrypted vaults to Cloud Storage Provider.

free download trial (36.94 Mb)

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