Swap Left and Right Mouse Buttons Software 7.0
Swap mouse buttons with one another to create a left-handed mouse.
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X-Treme MP3 Player v2 1
XML MP3 Player / Playlist MP3 Player / Audio Player v2 KEY FEATURES: * Fully customizable XML driven content and layout * Unlimited number of albums / artists support * Unlimited number of songs per album / artist support * It includes three
free download trial (100 Kb)
XML Blur Menu 1.0
- Unlimited menu items can be add through xml file so you don't have to republish the flash file again. - Links labels, URLs and Target are set through external xml file; - you can increase and reduce the buttons distance;
free download trial (488 Kb)
XML Dynamic Menu 1.0
* Using XML to retrieve data to be displayed; * Positioning the buttons from code; * If you want to change the branches, I have the PSD attached to do that; * Once you add a new branch you need to create the XML node and in code you need to position
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Advanced CMS Flash Flip Book 1
Introducing Advanced CMS Flash Flip Book! This Flash page flip is totally XML driven. You can add unlimited number of pages, add video, swf files, manage navigation buttons, background images, colors, make the pages stiffen or folding. It's a windows
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Random Moving Menu (AS3) 1.0
This is an XML driven, unlimited, randomly moving menu. When you mouse over the button, it will stop. When you mouse out it, it continues. You can modify parameters: 1. xmlUrl = 'navigation.xml'; (XML URL for button details); 2. linkEnable = true; (e
free download trial (488 Kb)
Design Web Buttons 1.0
No working around with the CSS or HTML code is necessary, no image editing. The web page buttons software does all the work for you. Just enter the information you want for your design web buttons in this 4-step wizard to get your menu button code.
free download (10.66 Mb)
Flash Decompiler Gold
Free Flash Decompiler Gold is a powerful and reliable flash extractor. It allows exporting all resources such as images, shapes, sounds, fonts, texts, buttons, sprites, scripts, and frames from any SWF file.
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Free-Buttons.org 2.3
Free Buttons helps you create 3D rollover web menus and buttons based on pure css with ease.You just change the graphic parameters of buttons such as 3D shape, lighting, texture, material, shadow, deformation. FREE!
free download (10.6 Mb)
Convert Images To Buttons Software 7.0
This software offers a solution to users who want to convert one or more images into buttons by adding light and bevel properties to the images. The user chooses the files or an entire folder to be processed before starting the conversion.
free download trial (4.87 Mb)
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