This Adobe Dreamweaver Extension is intended to create the scroll bars of news or any other information. Flash News Scroller component is easy to use and has flexible settings.
Curtain Animation. Re sizable. Action Script 2. You can Change Color. Just Copy and paste into your flash movie. Help file is included. flash8 and flash cs3 files are included. Just copy and paste into your lash movie.
RainyDay V1.1 is the extended version of the animation effect simulating raindrops falling onto an imaginary water surface. This classic fancy eye candy previously often seen with certain JAVA applets is now available for Flash (Player 8, ActionScrip
Add your photo and video portfolio in this professional Website XML Gallery. Good price for great flash design. No Flash knowledge required for setting up this Flash template. You can set everything from a main .XML file and each gallery has its own
No Flash knowledge required for setting up this Flash gallery. Everything can be set from a external XML file making it very easy to update and maintain. This Flash gallery it's resizable adjusting after the browser or embed window size. Everything
ALL OUR CURRENT and FUTURE FILES can be downloaded at this special price of only $189. The discount is over 80% You do not need to know Flash in order to set this components. Every setting can be done in XML, HTML & CSS making them very easy to upda
Simple php contact form with validation created using Flash 8 and Flash CS3 with Action Script 2.0. 2 Buttons (send, Reset) with 3 status for each button. Dark skin. Easily Drag and Drop movie clip of the form on your project
Looping 590X300 water animation. Great as a background. Change water color by using your effects: color, hue, saturation. Opens with any version of flash. No Actionscript required.
Stylish black & white architecture portfolio template, perfect for construction companies, architectures and other industrial enterprises. Features * Highly scalable and customizable structure of a template helps to create professional flash web