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Free webcam software tuned for ghost hunting

Ghost Monitor 1.2

Ghost Monitor is a FREE software that uses webcams and microphones to capture images of paranormal manifestations. This software has been tuned to perform under conditions we expect ghosts and spirits to manifest.

free download (3.05 Mb)

The Best Ghost Hunting Software

Ghost Hunting Software 1.0

The Best Ghost Hunting Software - The Paranormal Log & Analysis Notebook, To Track Your Entire Paranormal Investigation Easily!

free download (518 Kb)

Nr. 8 of the Ghost Forest family

! The Game (interactive desktop) 1.0

Nr. 8 of the Ghost Forest family - a beautiful collection of hand-painted, children-safe desktop wallpapers (now interactive!). Based on newest Flash technology. Part of the Ghost Forest site, presenting the book with the same name.

free download (1.44 Mb)

Windows 7 Black Windows Theme

Windows 7 Black Windows Theme 1.0

Windows 7 Black Windows Theme

free download (12.29 Mb)

Nr. 11 of the Ghost Forest family

! The Owl Tree (interactive desktop) 1.0

Nr. 11 of the Ghost Forest family - a beautiful collection of hand-painted, children-safe desktop wallpapers (now interactive!). Based on newest Flash technology. Part of the Ghost Forest site, presenting the book with the same name.

free download (1.49 Mb)

Zelda Windows Theme

Zelda Windows Theme 1.0

Zelda Windows Theme

free download (30.85 Mb)

Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker

Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker 3.3

Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker is a keyboard and mouse recorder tool used to record mouse movements, mouse clicks, keystroke and repeat them at any time and as any times as you want.It also can auto type text you want.

free download trial (673 Kb) :: order online ($19.95)

Skyrim Windows Theme

Skyrim Windows Theme 1.0

Skyrim Windows Theme

free download (25.63 Mb)

Age of Enigma Secret of the Sixth Ghost

Age of Enigma Secret of the Sixth Ghost 1.0

Help the ghostly inhibitants of a haunted house as you venture into the beyond and discover the secret of the 6th ghost! Mysteriously summoned to a house you have seen only in your nightmares, you will encounter the dark and inscrutable Nathan.

free download (32 Mb)

Prototype Windows Theme

Prototype Windows Theme 1.0

Prototype Windows Theme

free download (18.28 Mb)

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