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Symbian SMS Manager browses messages on PC.

Symbian SMS Manager 2.18.21

Manage SMS and other messages on PC easily and conveniently with Symbian SMS Manager. Read all your messages from phone, save them on PC, restore back to phone, send plain and Unicode SMS to one or many recipients and work with custom folders.

free download trial (3.97 Mb)

Free Video Player - download MKV player.

Free Video Player 1.0.726

Free Video Player is a fast media player with outstanding picture quality and advanced features. Supports all popular video and audio formats, including MKV, AVI, WMV, and others. Download MKV player now!

free download (12.48 Mb)

Multimedia Contents Authoring Tool

Flying PopCorn POP 6.0

Multimedia Contents Authoring Tool : Flying PopCorn 6 lets you produce splendid, yet refined, contents with multimedia materials (text, image, sound, video, animation, Flash, web document and database) with easy and convenient editing.

free download trial (32 Mb) :: order online ($39.95)

Feature-rich Weather Tracking Software

WeatherStudio 1.1

WeatherStudio combines a vast array of weather products valuable to storm chasers, meteorologists, mariners, first responders, and home users all on a hardware-accelerated, GIS enabled map.

free download trial (12.99 Mb)

Packet analyzer and protocol decoder

Network Troubleshooting Analyzer CAPSA 7.1

Packet Analyzer CAPSA Pro edition is an advanced sniffing tool with powerful protocol decodes capabilities. It captures and analyze all traffic transport over both Ethernet and WLAN network with results displayed in simple English.

free download trial (13.52 Mb)

Converter um PDF para Word

Converter um PDF para Word 2.1

Voc?? quer saber que a forma de converter um PDF para Word sem a aquisi?§??o de um editor caro PDF como o Adobe Acrobat? Voc?? est?? na necessidade de extra?§??o de texto / imagens de arquivos PDF? Ent??o tudo que voc?? precisa ?© iOrgSoft PDF to Word Con

free download trial (6.65 Mb)

Software para a gestГЈo do trabalho

Folha de Pagamento

Garantir a implementação de gestão de pessoal mais fácil de gerenciar e distribuir dia útil para o planejamento dias e esforço para se mover de uma maneira muito simplificada.

free download trial (4.63 Mb) :: order online ($49.00)

Convertir un PDF a Word

Convertir un PDF a Word 2.1

??Quieres saber que la forma de convertir un PDF a Word sin tener que comprar un costoso editor de PDF como Adobe Acrobat? Est?? usted en necesidad de extraer texto / im??genes de archivos PDF? Entonces todo lo que necesita es iOrgSoft PDF to Word Conve

free download trial (6.65 Mb)

CCTV design software with 3D modeling

VideoCAD Professional 8.00

CCTV design software with 3D modeling CCTV cameras and other CCTV equipment. Professional version. VideoCAD will help you spare the means and win tenders due to the reduction of cameras' quantity and increase efficiency of CCTV design.

free download trial (32 Mb)

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