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GanttChart for IBM Rational ClearQuest

GanttChart for ClearQuest 1.0

The module can be easily implemented and effectively used in any project. According to the statistical research, the use of the module allows saving about 18-30% of working hours due to simplification of routine and repetitive operations.

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To play domino in couples or individual mode.

LcDomino 3.6

The most complete program to play dominoes in couples or individual mode. Several levels of difficulty. You can consult, move back and modify the game, store it and recovering it. With sound, game tutor, and historical file. Completely customized.

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Try yourself as a GT class racing cars pilot.

Falco Race 1.7

Try yourself as a GT class racing cars pilot. 17 most famous courses of the world are waiting for you! The morning half-hour WarmUp is finished, and while Formula I racers are preparing to the main start, "special events" are held on the track.

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Share Desktop or Single Application.

SupportSmith v2

Share the Desktop or a Single Application over the LAN and Internet . Work with a colleague on the same desktop view. Ideal for remote assistance and online training. Consult us about our pure web solution: ThinVNC.com

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Don??™t Be Worried ???Who Write My Paper Cheap???

Who Write My Paper Cheap??? 2.0

Consult Solution Writers today only to discuss your write my paper cheap requirements and get customized paper written for you at affordable prices. Get support of experienced writers.

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Translation Software You Take With You.

IdiomaX Mobile Translator 6.00

The IdiomaX Mobile Translator converts your Pocket PC or Smartphone into a translation device that goes everywhere you do. Translate text, consult dictionaries, and conjugate verbs in five languages without missing a beat in your busy schedule.

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Imagine the experience of being a race driver

Jalada Ultimate Racing 1.6.2

In jalada Ultimate Racing, players enter a world of high-definition, high-speed races. jalada Ultimate Racing brings you more speed, excitement and gameplay variety than ever before in the world of high-definition, high-speed races.

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Taxcut - Simple application.

Taxcut 1.0

Taxcut - Simple application that will help you decide if you want to use this software to help with your taxes or you would rather choose another. The application is easy to use and you will have no problem accessing the information about Taxcut.

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To-do list

EuropeSoftwares AccessMyTask 2025

Convenient, customizable, multilingual task management application requires JAVA. Compatible Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris.

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Web Guide

EuropeSoftwares WebQCMBot 2025

Personalized guide site in several languages for product selection, user manual or installation guide, on IIS server.

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