EconomicInvestor Stock Risk Wizard 2.1.601
Patented Eta Analysis shows hidden economic risk in portfolios and which stocks, mutual funds, or indexes are more likely to be affected by the current economy. In most cases, Stock Risk Wizard accounts for over 90% of price variations.
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Forex NeuroMaster PRO 2.0
Forex Stock Neuro Master 2.0. Stock Neuro Master is an intellectual stock prediction software for traders, investors and brokers.
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Tradeplan DJI 1.2
Tradeplan DJI??™s objective is conservative trading of the 30 Dow Jones Industrial Component stocks. Tradeplan DJI has a backtested gain of over 215% since Jan 1st, 2005, with an average of only 7 trades per month.
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Stock neuromaster 2.0 2.0
Stock neuromaster
A Powerful Combination of Technical Analysis and Neural Network Modeling Designed to Help You Do the Critical Work of Predicting Movements in the Stock Market.
Stock Neuromaster Features include:
Ability to create your own models
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Stock List Pro 1.1.1
Stock List Pro is a unique tool that helps you understand the evolution of the stock market.
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Stock Trading Screensaver 1
Best How To Invest In Stock Market Screensaver. Amazing phrases of knowledge from the most popular market investors to have ever lived. The most famous investor quotes ever uttered are gave away in this screensaver.
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CharTTool 2.17
CharTTool is an advanced stock market charting software that instantly allows you to display several technical charts of stocks, mutual funds, currencies or market indices in intraday or end of day chart format. Technical analysis is also available.
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Stock Charting Software 5.2.228
Financial market charting tool offer market indicators moving averages bollinger bands stochastic oscillators price channels volatility MACD momentum open multiple chart documents maintain predefined securities lists apply trading strategy
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Path2Profit 2.1
stock analysis charting software implements Mano Stick - the advanced chart type which is able to show volume in addition to the price data. drawing objects such as lines, trading, news, arrows, text can also be stored. light weight java application.
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TraderCode Technical Indicators 4.0
TraderCode is a very useful toolbox for stock traders. You can use it to compute technical indicator values for stock prices and plot them in Excel. It includes an Excel Add-In that provides an user interface for you to calculate results quickly.
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