WinUtilities Process Security 1.232
WinUtilities Process Security is a powerful Task Manager shows all active processes on your computer. You can easily recognize the endangering potential of each process. No other Task Manager or Process Viewer has this feature.
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Security Task Manager
based on behavior analysis and protects Windows computers from new malware and security-critical software. The compact and fast tool analyzes Windows processes running on computers and shows a unique security risk rating for each process.
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OctopusCity is a free Contact Manager, available in an online and downloadable format that syncs with Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail address books.
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TaskJob Organizer Pro 2.6
Task Job Organizer Pro: simple database management software that helps you to enter, organize, and manage any kind of small tasks, activities, project jobs.
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Portable Efficient To-Do List Free
Efficient To-Do List Free is a cross-platform task manager. It makes every effort to assist you in following the "First Things First" principle and brings you the sense of on-time job accomplishment. And you can sync data across PC and mobile phone.
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Network Security Task Manager 1.0h
Network Security Task Manager detects malware that traditional signature-based security solutions do not recognise. In this way Network Security Task Manager helps to detect industrial espionage, sabotage and security-critical software.
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My Time Manager 1.0
My Time Manager is ideal for keeping track of the amount of time spent on daily tasks for both the personal and professional user. Use it to better spend your time on the pc, as well as to track billable time with clients.
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MSD Tasks Multiuser 5.70
MSD Tasks Multiuser is a network visual task manager that allows organizing visually the tasks of several people at the same time. The secretary will be able to organize her boss agenda, a professional will be able to manage his clients visits, etc.
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Ozoa [u] 1.23.6
Task/project/workflow manager with structured document editor and calendar. Support for task priorities, task queue and scheduling using a three way calendar (month to view, weekly timetable, day to view).
free download trial (2.44 Mb)
Process Killer 1.00
Process Killer to terminate Windows Process. Works from Windows XP onwards. This utility is a Task Manager alternative to terminate Windows process.
free download (5.05 Mb)
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