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Computing and Information Technology

Computing and Information Technology 10

Comprehensive computer science educational software package, where the graphics and calculations are updated to reflect every user change.

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Special Dictionaries English <-> German PPC

Special Dictionaries English <-> German PPC 3.0

3 Special dictionaries in one product! English <-> German: Special dictionary office/communication, Special dictionary technology (general), Special dictionary of the automobile industry!

free download trial (5.31 Mb)


Social Fundraising 1.0

Karma411 co-founders Mark Fasciano and John Murcott have worked together in technology arena for more than ten years. http://www.karma411.com/.

free download trial (100 Kb)

HTML source hide and antispam protection

Atrise Stealth 1.2.0

The program is an ultimate HTML source hide, images, forms and antispam protection software from spam bots and humans. The program allows you to use any of 13 protection methods. The second generation protection technology from the HTMLock developer.

free download trial (471 Kb)

Recover Files from SSD drives - SSD Recovery

Recover Files from SSD 3.18

Recover Files from SSD - How? Is it possible? Yes - all files from SSD drives will be recovered with SSD recovery software. Recover data from SSD drive automatically. Recover Files from SSD - Download SSD recovery software at Recover-Files.ca

free download trial (32 Mb)

The IR Gallery uses XML technology. The image

IR Gallery XML 1

The IR Gallery uses XML technology. The images are NOT embedded in the movie clip but stored outside. Their paths and information are stored in a separate XML file and loaded from there. This gives you the flexibility to change the images without the

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The test compared the Miele washing machine w

Washing Machine V1.0

Since 2004, awards the prestigious prize of the Institut eV EcoTopTen of the ten most environmentally friendly products. The Institut eV, Institute for Applied Technology, is an independent research and consulting institution.More than 2,600

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Protects your files easy and reliable.

Storage Vault 1.0

Storage Vault is a file protection technology based on usage of RSA keys and ciphering algorithms. A distinctive characteristic of Storage Vault technology is a deep integration with operating system.

free download trial (4.95 Mb)

Reporting Tool for Java

Stimulsoft Reports.Fx for Java 2015.1

Stimulsoft Reports.Fx for Java Stimulsoft Reports.Fx for Java is a reporting tool, designed for interaction and work of reports in your Java application. Java technology allows using programs on different platforms.

free download trial (32 Mb)

Heat Surge amish infrared heater review.

Heat Surge Review Presentation 1.0

Heat Surge is an innovation in craftsmanship and modern heating technology. The Heat Surge is fashioned to resemble a fireplace and even boasts a flame facade that will enable you to enjoy serenity without the negative aspects of a real fireplace.

free download (3.13 Mb)

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