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Home :: Development :: Miscellaneous
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Vutog GPS Simulator

Vutog GPS Simulator 4.0

The Vutog GPS Simulator is a Virtual GPS Device in a which provides a complete suit for all GPS Simulating needs. It is designed to maximize the productivity in development, testing and debugging Navigation Applications and Data Sender, transfer etc.

free download trial (6.59 Mb)

serial port ActiveX control

ZylSerialPortAX 1.40

ZylSerialPortAX is a thread based asynchronous serial port ActiveX control.
Use ZylSerialPortAX control to easily communicate with external devices on serial port connection, such as modems, bar code readers, GSM modules and others.

free download trial (800 Kb)

Serial ports Monitor.

ComTrace 1.00

Serial ports Monitor. Engineer must have tool.

free download trial (1.89 Mb) :: order online ($29.95)

Send at commands to the serial communication.

Serial Comm ActiveX 1.0.2

Activex component control for software developers that allows to send the at commands to the serial communication port.

free download trial (192 Kb)

Serial Port COM Component for Windows

ActiveComport Serial Port Toolkit 3.0

Serial COM port Communication SDK to add serial communications to your project. Communicate with a modem, scanner, printer or any other serial port device. Samples included for ASP, VB, VB .NET, VC++, VC# .NET, JavaScript, PHP, Delphi and VBScript.

free download trial (1.05 Mb)

Software serial port monitor, Rs232 sniffer

Serial Monitor Device Monitoring Studio

Software serial port monitor Rs232 sniffer with protocol analyzer and packet data logger. This monitoring utility can spy, capture, view, log, analyze test com ports activity performing com port connection and traffic analysis with data acquisition

free download trial (5.07 Mb)

serial port .NET component

ZylSerialPort.NET 1.51

ZylSerialPort.NET is a thread based, event driven, asynchronous serial port .NET component.
Use ZylSerialPort.NET component to easily communicate with external devices on serial port connection, such as modems, bar code readers, GSM.

free download trial (585 Kb)

Serial Port ActiveX COM Component

ActiveXperts Serial Port Component 3.1

Serial COM Port Communication component to add serial communications to your software. Communicate with a modem, scanner, printer or any other serial port device. Samples included for VB .NET, VC# .NET, VC++, ASP, VB, PHP, Delphi, VBScript and more.

free download trial (3.15 Mb)

GPS Receiver

ZylGPSReceiver 3.60

ZylGPSReceiver is a Delphi/CBuilder component that communicates with a serial GPS receiver.
This component works with any NMEA compatible receiver connected to one of the serial ports. You can use it also with USB and Bloototh devices.

free download trial (3.45 Mb)

RS232/RS485/RS422/TTL Serial Port and TCP/IP

Serial TCP 1.1

The Serial-TCP program bridges your existing Serial COM port and TCP/IP without the need for changing existing protocol. It works seemlessly and transparently, just like a pair of passive RS-232/RS-485/RS-422 repeaters.

free download (3.92 Mb)

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