"Ancient Temple Ruins" is a Free Animated Wallpaper by EleFun Wallpapers devoted to the constructions. In ancient times the temples were used at times not only as spiritual centres but also as a sort of a fortress, a shelter from the enemies attacks.
Get and manage your themes, visual styles, icons, wallpapers, mouse cursors, etc. from one interface. You can even mix them to create your own customize themes.
Magic Desktop is Free for non-commercial use.
This animated digital clock desktop wallpaper is like no concept of a clock you've ever seen before. The unique, abstract style gives your desktop background a flair of individuality while keeping the time at your fingertips.
Spots of magic light fade in and out of focus against a deep silver and brown background, with shades of dense color fading together in this richly animated and dynamic desktop wallpaper.
The program sits in the system tray and controls wallpapers on your desktop. It allows you to manage your collection of desktop wallpapers and change them on schedule. Izbushka also includes a feature-rich wallpaper collection manager.
This animated wallpaper keeps your desktop background alive with a grid of dynamic pixels shifting across the colors of the rainbow, making an eye-catching abstract pattern.